My preferred tools for version control are Git and Github. I have used both for going on 6 years and at this point I have become very familiar with them. This experience ranges from my very first hello world assignments to the building and deployment of full stack web-applications while working on a team with various branches and consistent merges.
more ↓I learned how to use Docker during my last semester at NCSU. During that time I ended up completing three different projects that each leveraged Docker. I used the containers to spin up clients, servers, and reverse proxies for each project during development. One of the projects was also hosted on a server hosted by the school so that we could get familiar with ssh management of our deployed servers.
more ↓Eclipse was an interesting IDE to learn. It was my first serious development environment outside of notepad++ and it was a great insight into how development could be much easier with the right tools. From there I discovered VSCode and later NeoVim. VSCode was great when I was finally able to explore IDEs outside of school projects and I really like the plugin system employed by it. I eventually became interested in VSCodium as it was a completely open-source alternative to VSCode using the same base editor. Most recently I have been exploring NeoVim to have a faster development experience where I can spend more time in the terminal.
more ↓I have become familiar with pip and npm as I have built more and more applications using Python Flask and NodeJS. This not only includes solely installing packages but also version management with additional tools such as pyenv.
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